conceiving and raising twins

how I got pregnant with twins, carried to full term, and am thriving in twin mom life

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hey, future twin mama

Have that gut feeling that you're meant to be a twin mom? I had it too. But I had no twins in my family, anywhere. My first baby was a singleton. I was only 30 and we'd be trying naturally. Chances were slim, very slim. Yet I still felt I was destined to have twins. And then my husband said the words I knew were coming, from a decision we both agreed on long before we got married.

"Should we start trying for our last baby?"

In that moment I knew it would be now or never. So I used my day job skills as a scientific researcher and went through every single thing about conceiving twins that I could find. And read them twice over. For weeks. Until I had the best game plan I could. I can't tell you if my hard work paid off, if I believed it into being, or it was just random chance... but it worked.

Now being a twin mom is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I thank my lucky stars every day. So I'm sharing what I learnt and did and my experiences, from conception through pregnancy - and now raising my twins and loving life - for those that want to have the best chance of being a twin mom, too.

My Twin Conception Journey

twin moms have each others backs

I started this blog because I've spent countless hours googling the same things you probably are, just to find boring, repetitive (and honestly unhelpful) websites that pretty much said the same generic things.

So instead, this is my raw, personal experience with ttc, fertility and raising twins, as my life is forever enriched because of them (even if my belly skin is sagging). I'm starting this blog in March 2024 and will add new posts twice weekly, so bear with me. Please do take the time to discern and research what is and isn't relevant to you - I'm sharing personal experience, not medical information.

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I had two key symptoms at 5dpo and 8dpo that I'd never heard of, before getting my faint positive at 9dpo.

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Stomach skin tightening after pregnancy

I tried everything - here's the treatments that worked to tighten my belly skin after the twins.

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My (surprising) hCG levels for twins

With two miscarriages in the past, my doctor had me repeat my hCG often. Here's how my levels rose.

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